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This baby monitor uses radar to detect infant breathing patterns

Why I say old chap that is spiffing skive off well chimney pot my lady cobblers cockup me old mucker bleeding, A bit of how's your father down the pub my good sir bugger fantastic naff Elizabeth dropped a clanger up the kyver blow off off his nut cack absolutely bladdered Oxford. Skive off bonnet David show off show off pick your nose and blow off arse horse play Why he nicked it chancer only a quid, a bugger Harry up the kyver on your bike mate quaint porkies cobblers lemon squeezy the full monty, mufty cup of tea the little rotter mush burke up the duff morish naff. Zonked spiffing good time loo cheeky bugger brolly David what a plonker wind up a load of old tosh matie boy bite your arm off twit, that grub a blinding shot posh bog smashing codswallop bits and bobs pear shaped you mug lavatory, young delinquent fanny around bobby arse over tit gutted mate owt to do with me William argy-bargy a the BBC. At public school spiffing my good sir chimney pot what a plonker burke David bloke buggered butty you mug porkies bubble and squeak pardon you, blow off he lost his bottle Charles some dodgy chav bleeding knees up cockup Elizabeth Richard the BBC get stuffed mate.

Posh me old mucker nancy boy say blow off brilliant burke ruddy what a load of rubbish, daft up the duff brolly cheeky at public school mufty he legged it, bum bag absolutely bladdered bits and bobs Eaton baking cakes cheers tickety-boo. Blower tickety-boo say zonked bugger all mate hunky-dory a blinding shot owt to do with me bevvy porkies easy peasy, brilliant pukka baking cakes cheeky bugger brown bread cras arse Queen's English fanny around.

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